Freshers week begins on Monday 24th September 2012
Monday night:
Monday night:
What? Table quiz
Where? On the mezzanine across the bridge from the entrance to the library
Time? 7.30pm
Tuesday night:
What? Sports and zumba at 7pm in the sports complex followed by live music in student’s union at 8:30pm.
Does it cost anything? No. It is FREE!!!
Wednesday afternoon:
What? Text-a-toastie
Do you live in the Halls on campus? If so, text the CU phone with a question and your block/room number and we will bring you a FREE toastie and an answer to your question.
Wednesday night:
What? Barbeque
Who for? All freshers
Where and at what time? The outdoor pool table in Dalriada Halls at 7.30pm
Thursday night:
What? Our CU meeting followed by late night extra
Where and what time? The CU meeting is in The Students Union Bar at 7.30pm and Late Night Extra is after this in the staff common room where there will be tea/coffee/juice/toast/biscuits etc. This is a great time to chill out and get to know people. This year sees the return of Psalm for bedtime. There will be people about to help point you in the right direction. If you want you can send us an email and we will send you directions.
Friday afternoon:
What? Helping people with directions and getting home. If you need help to find the nearest train station, bus stop or just need to know how to get somewhere, text the CU phone and we will do our best to put you on the right track.
Tuesday 2nd October. Week 2:
What? Social in Whiteabbey Church. A night NOT TO BE MISSED!!!
It is possible that times and venues will change over the coming weeks, so keep an eye on the blog and facebook page for the latest times and venues.
If you require more information send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
The CU phone: 07597642494
Twitter: @UUJCU
Web: (new site under construction)