Sunday 3 March 2013

Announcements - Week 6 - Semester 2

Guys the night is upon us... Events week starts tomorrow (Monday)! Lets be Jesus' hands and feet and go into UUJ showing God's love! It all starts tomorrow with text a treat! Meeting at 10:30am on the Mezzanine, BE THERE! If our God is for us then who can stand against us?!

Below is a detailed list of what is going to be going on through the week. If at any stage during the week you aren’t up to much, then please do come along and help out at the events.


Text-a-Treat: 11am-1pm
Text the CU Phone with your location and a question about God or Christianity and we will bring you a treat and an answer to your question
(subject to availability of treats)

Table Quiz: 7pm – SU Bar – All welcome!

Mall stop: 11am-1pm
Could everyone who is available please come along and help give out leaflets. Meet at the Mezzanine at 10.30am

"The Person of Jesus." - Lunchtime talk with Trevor Gillanders @ 1pm on the Mezzanine.

Football and Zumba @ 7pm - venue to be confirmed – Meet at the Sports Complex @ 7pm - Keep an eye on our Facebook page for confirmation of venue
and exact events, as there is a possibility of changes having to be made.


Dish washing: 2pm - 4pm – If you live in halls on campus, text the CU phone and we will come and wash your dishes.

Pudding party and acoustic night: 8pm - 10pm in the SU Bar


Nail Bar on the Mall/Mezzanine 11.30am - 1.30pm

Mall Stop with some Easter surprises: 11am - 1pm

CU Weekly Meeting: David Legge - “What is it all about?” @ 7.30pm followed by ‘Late Night Extra’ in the Students Union – This would be a great opportunity to bring along your classmates and friends who don’t already go to CU.
Don’t forget that on MondayTuesdayWednesday & Thursday mornings @ 8.30am in the Chaplaincy (5F01) we have prayer meetings to pray for events week.

i-cafĂ© is on Wednesday evening @ 7.30pm in the staff common room. It is a great way to reach out to the international students and share the love of God. It would be great if you were able to come along and help out as well as going to the pudding party and acoustic night.

That's all the announcements for this incoming week.


If you are planning on going to the CU Annual Conference then you need to get signed up A.S.A.P. as the closing date is this Wednesday. Here is a link to were you can sign up:

CU Formal:
20th March - 7.30pm - Dunadry Hotel - Tickets are £30 – Please get your money in A.S.A.P!!!

That's all the announcements for now. Remember to keep an eye on our facebook page for more information (or a change in what has been advertised):

Best wishes

"He rescues and he saves; he performs signs and wonders in the heavens and on the earth." Daniel 6:27 (NIV)

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