Good afternoon everybody, and welcome to Week 5. Here are some announcements for this week and a few regarding next week.
Small Groups
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings as usual (unless you’ve been told otherwise)
Prayer Meeting
Tuesday morning @ 8am
Chaplaincy (5F01)
Breakfast provided
Great way to start the day
Wednesday evening @ 7.30pm in the staff common room
A great way to reach out to the international students and share the love of God
Weekly CU Meeting
Thursday evening @ 7.30pm
Phil Howe - ‘Evangelism’
Events Week - Week 6
So… here is what we have planned for next week:
Text-a-Treat: 11am-1pm
Table Quiz: 7pm – SU Bar – All Welcome!
“What can Jesus do for us?” - Lunchtime talk with Trevor Gillanders @ 1pm on the Mezzanine.
We had hoped to have Football and Zumba on Tuesday evening around 8pm but we are having a few last minute problems. Alternative arrangements are being made, so keep an eye on our noticeboard and Facebook page for confirmation of venues and what is going to be happening.
Dish washing in the on-campus halls: 2pm-4pm
Pudding party and acoustic night: 8pm-10pm in the SU Bar – could some people from the CU who are coming along please bring a pudding of some sort. Thanks.
Nail Bar on the Mall &
Mall Stop with some Easter surprises: 11am-1pm
The nail bar is another item which unfortunately we are having some last minute problems with. If there are any girls in the CU who would be up for running a nail bar on the mall please get in touch with us A.S.A.P!!!
CU Weekly Meeting: David Legge - “What is it all about?” @ 7.30pm followed by ‘Late Night Extra’ in the Students Union – Everyone Welcome!
Other Announcements:
CU Annual Conference
22nd-24th March in Wesley College, Dublin.
It is a weekend not to be missed!!!
Get your place booked ASAP!!! You can do it online -
CU Formal
20th March in the Dunadry Hotel. Theme is 'James Bond'. More details to come over the next few days (hopefully).
That's all the announcements for now. Remember to keep an eye on the facebook page and noticeboard for any further details of what is happening over the next few weeks.
Best wishes
Publicity Sec.
"He rescues and he saves; he performs signs and wonders in the heavens and on the earth." Daniel 6:27 (NIV)