Monday, 11 February 2013

Announcements - Week 3 - Semester 2

Good afternoon/evening everyone, and welcome to Week 3. I hope you have had a good weekend and are looking forward to what this week has to offer. Here are the announcements for this week (with a few for the weeks ahead).

Small Groups
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings @ 7pm

Prayer Meeting
Week 3: Tuesday Morning @ 8am in the Chaplaincy
Breakfast provided
Great way to start the day

Prayer Meeting
Week 4: Monday 18th @ 10pm in the Chaplaincy –
Representatives from ‘Freedom Project Ireland’ will be coming to tell us about the work which they do to help in the fight against human trafficking in Northern Ireland. Afterwards there will be a time of prayer for the organisation.

Wednesday evening @ 7.30pm in the staff common room
A great way to reach out to the international students and share the love of God

Weekly CU Meeting
Thursday evening @ 7.30pm
This weeks topic is, “Relationships: God’s Plan – looking at relationships and marriage based on Adam and Eve”.

As you may or may not be aware the time has come to nominate a new committee for the CU for the next academic year (2013/2014). Here is a list of the various committee roles/positions for those of you who don’t already know:
Vice President
Worship Co-ordinator
Small Groups Co-ordinator

Please take some time to pray about who you are going to nominate. Don’t forget that you need to ask them before you can nominate them. We need nominations to be in by the end of next week (Week 4) at the very latest.

Coming up on weeks 5 and 6 we will be having lunchtime talks on the mezzanine with Trevor Gillanders. The topics/themes of the talks are:
Week Five – The person of Jesus
Week Six – What can Jesus do for us?
These talks will be held at lunchtime on the Tuesday of each week. It would be great to see you there. Bring your friends and classmates.

Also on week 6 we have our Missions Week. During this week there will be a few different events which are mentioned below:
·      Monday: text-a-treat, and a Table Quiz
·      Tuesday: lunchtime talk with Trevor Gillanders, zumba, and football
·      Wednesday: We will be going into the on campus halls and washing dishe3s, and in the evening there will be an acoustic night and pudding party.
·      Thursday: We hope to have a nail bar on the mall. As well as this we have Mall Stop with some Easter surprises, and we also have our main meeting which will be followed by Late Night Extra

I think that is all the announcements for now. Remember to keep an eye on the facebook page should anything change -

Best wishes, 
(Publicity Sec.)

P.S. If anything changes it’ll be posted on the CU Facebook page and if necessary you’ll get an email letting you know about any changes.

"He rescues and he saves; he performs signs and wonders in the heavens and on the earth." Daniel 6:27 (NIV)

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