Monday 4 February 2013

Announcements - Week 2 - Semester 2

Good morning everyone. Week 2 has arrived. Here are this weeks announcements.

On Tuesday morning we have a Prayer meeting @ 8am in the Chaplaincy (5F01)
It is a fantastic way to start the day. Breakfast is provided.
On week 4 we are having a special night on the Monday (18th) at 10pm. 2 volunteers are coming from 'Freedom Project Ireland' (an organisation which aims to raise awareness and help and rescue people caught up in human trafficking here) and afterwards there will be a time of prayer for the work of the organisation. It is a worthwhile cause that really needs support.

i-cafe is on Wednesday evening @ 7.30pm in Staff Common Room.
This is a great opportunity to reach out to the international students and share Gods love with them.
All help greatly appreciated.

On Monday Tuesday and Wednesday evenings - Small Groups
Your small group leader should hopefully have been in contact to let you know whats happening.

Thursday night meeting 
Thursday evening @ 7.30pm. This week our topic is 'Why does God let bad things happen?'.
It would be great to see you all there. Bring your friends and classmates.

Thats all for now (I think). Keep an eye on the Facebook page incase anything else comes up and also keep an eye on the notice board located near Moka.

I hope you all have a great week and I pray that Gods blessing will be upon you all.

Best wishes,

"He rescues and he saves; he performs signs and wonders in the heavens and on the earth." Daniel 6:27 (NIV)

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